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Tape automation with libraries: saving everything – anytime – for decades

The sky is the limit – with Tape-Libraries

We have an archiving solution for your permanently increasing data volume: Tape Automation with Libraries.

With an automatic tape changer, no capacity bottleneck slow you down Because they form the backbone of a solid backup and archiving strategy. In doing so, they also take away the horror of not being able to restore important company data from disasters of any kind.

Magnetic tapes are proving time and again that they are rightly considered to be one of the – if not the – most durable data carriers in the digital world. Depending on the generation, a tape therefore stores many terabytes of data. In the current eighth LTO specification, you can therefore write 12 terabytes of compressed data to a single tape. If the content you want to store even consists of uncompressed text, it is 30 terabytes. If these volumes are multiplied together in a tape library, the resulting capacities are absolutely gigantic.

Tape automation works like this: A robot mechanism selects a tape with the desired data under software control and inserts it into the LTO drive of the storage loader or the libraries. A table of contents at the beginning of each tape with LTFS formatting (Linear Tape File System) ensures that the desired file is quickly spooled to the desired file. If the software requests the data of another tape, the machine changes the tape automatically.


Tape Automation and Libraries in Practice

Within the tape libraries, not only individual tapes can be changed at any time, but also entire magazines. This facilitates the organisation and simplifies the further expansion of capacities. And because both the tape cartridges and the drives are interchangeable, the system can be upgraded in parallel with the drive generations. Because of these advantages, we have a particularly well-equipped section on tape automation in different classes. This means that the right format is available for every size of company. The data space ranges from several dozen terabytes to the petabyte range.

  1. In the Qualstar Q series for small and medium-sized companies, for example, you will find storage loaders with eight tapes on 1U up to libraries with 24 tapes on 2U. The latter offer space for up to four separate drives for faster access in the swap mechanism. 
  2. The mid-range and enterprise models from the Q series - Q40 and Q80 - from Qualstar even meet the requirements of medium-sized and large companies. A Q80 basic module for tape automation holds up to 80 cassettes on 6U. Six additional units with the same storage density can be added, so that a total of 560 tapes with a total capacity of 10 petabytes (LTO-9 native) can be accessed.

Your advantages with Starline:

  • LTO-Ultrium (Linear Tape Open) is an established standard that is supported by over 30 well-known companies
  • In addition to storage libraries, there are also single drives to conveniently secure individual workstations or servers
  • There are always several tape generations – usually two – downward compatible
  • Magnetic tapes store the data reliably for several years

Libraries perfectly integrated into hardware and software structures

From Tapes, Tar and Tiering

In networks, the solid tape backup devices are integrated either by SAS or via Fibre Channel. They can then be conveniently accessed via software as a storage target in Tier3. Nearly all backup programs have plugins that can directly address LTO tapes.

Archiware P5 for example, offers filtering by data type, incremental backups, tape cloning as well as complete integration of the LTFS format for easier navigation on the large tapes. This means that no further software or drivers are required for LTO management there – as is the case with direct control of the tapes.


Powerful Tape Automation with Libraries

Each LTO-8 drive can store about one terabyte per hour of already compressed data. This value is multiplied by the number of mounted drives. Our Q24 Libraries, for example, have up to two of them installed. In this way, they are able to backup up to 2.7 TB per hour with compressed data and 1 TB per hour with uncompressed data. Therefore it is not necessary to summarize and compress the data before archiving by tar: The LTO software takes care of this right away.

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Autoloader and Tape

Mit dem NS372S erhalten Sie ein platzsparendes und vielseitiges SAS-LTO-Rackmount-Enclosure. In das 1HE-Gehäuse des NS372S lassen sich bis zu zwei SAS-Laufwerke der führenden LTO-Hersteller einsetzen. Anschluss finden die LTO-Bandlaufwerke per SFF-8482 Schnittstelle mit 6 Gbit/s. Damit ermöglicht es Nutzern von Mac-Servern mit eingebauten Hostbusadaptern per LTO-LaufwerkDaten direkt auf Band zu sichern.

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Autoloader and Tape

RDX QuikStation 4 (desktop variant) from Overland-Tandberg offers four integrated RDX drives that can be accessed over the network either individually or as spanned volumes. Together with high-capacity RDX removable media, the system provides online storage with secured and unlimited offline storage. It provides tremendous flexibility, yet is easy to install and manage. An integrated management console allows configuration, control and management from a web browser. The RDX QuikStation 4 is suitable for physical or virtual SMB and SME environments and hybrid cloud applications.

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Autoloader and Tape

The RDX QuikStor from Overland/Tandberg Data is an internal removable disk frame for removable RDX media. SFF hard drives up to 5 TB can be installed as media in the RDX cardridges. The frame is connected to the host computer via USB 3.0 or SATA III and offers a transfer performance of up to 330 MB/s. Advantage of the RDX format: Robust, reliable and convenient storage for data backup, archiving or generally for the exchange of data media. The system is suitable for small to medium-sized companies and combines the advantages of tape and disk at an affordable price. Intelligent software features enable the RDX system to provide a high level of data security, for example with data carrier encryption in accordance with the AES-256 XTS standard. RDX WORM (Write One Read Many) media offer legally compliant archiving. Data can neither be deleted nor overwritten. With RDX RansomBlock, the data on the RDX WORM media is also protected against viruses and ransomware attacks.

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Autoloader and Tape

LTO Library Q24 from Qualstar's Midrange offers superior performance in backup, recovery and archiving applications. Compact but feature rich, it delivers large capacities and high data throughput.

The library can be equipped with one or two of the latest LTO drives. The 2U chassis of the Q24 - for example, equipped with LTO9 drive - reaches capacities of up to 432 terabytes (native) or 1080 terabytes (compressed).

The Q24 is easy to install and maintain. For example, the administrator can replace all major components - such as the tape drive, power supply and controller board - on-site using standard tools. In the integrated control panel, he has access to intuitive, menu-driven controls. This functionality is also available via the integrated browser-based Remote Management Interface (RMI).

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Autoloader and Tape

The Q40 system offers capacity scaling from 40 to 280 cartridge slots and throughput scaling from one to 21 tape drives. The Q40 uses LTO-7, LTO-8 or LTO-9 tape drives with SAS or FC interfaces.

The Q40 library base module provides up to 720 TB (LTO-9 native) or up to 1.8 PB (LTO-9 compressed) of storage capacity. Connected with up to six additional expansion modules, a single library system achieves up to 12.6 PB (LTO-9 compressed) of storage capacity in a 21U rack.

The Q40 is easy to operate and maintain. For example, the administrator can replace all major components - such as the tape drive, power supply and controller board - on-site using standard tools. In the integrated control panel, he has access to intuitive, menu-driven controls. This functionality is also available via the integrated browser-based Remote Management Interface (RMI).

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Autoloader and Tape

LTO-Library Q8 aus der Einstiegsklasse von Qualstar bietet eine überragende Leistung bei Sicherungs-, Wiederherstellungs- und Archivierungsanwendungen. Kompakt und doch mit vielen Funktionen ausgestattet, liefert sie große Kapazitäten und einen hohen Datendurchsatz zu einem kosteneffektiven Preissegment.

Die Library kann mit der jeweils aktuellen LTO-Technologie ausgerüstet werden und ist zumindest mit einer weiteren Generation kompatibel. Das 1HE-Gehäuse der Q8 erreicht – beispielsweise mit LTO9-Laufwerk bestückt – Kapazitäten von bis zu 144 Terabyte (nativ) oder 360 Terabyte (komprimiert).

Die Q8 ist auf Zuverlässigkeit und einfache Handhabung ausgelegt. Sie lässt sich daher einfach installieren und warten. So kann der Administrator vor Ort alle wichtigen Komponenten – wie etwa Bandlaufwerk, Netzteil und Controller-Board – mit Standardwerkzeugen austauschen. Im integrierten Bedienfeld hat er Zugriff auf eine intuitive und menügeführte Steuerung. Diese Funktionalität ist auch über das integrierte browserbasierte Remote Management Interface (RMI) möglich.

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Autoloader and Tape
Qualstar's Q80 scalable enterprise tape library is Simply Reliable™ designed to deliver superior performance and scalability for short-term backup, disaster recovery and long-term archiving. The 6U-high libraries work with LTO-7, LTO-8 or LTO-9 tape drives, and each unit provides up to 1.44 PB (LTO-9 native) or 3.6 PB (LTO-9 compressed) of storage capacity.
The Q80 base unit can be connected with up to six expansion modules to create a library system with up to 25.2 PB (compressed) of storage capacity in a single 42U rack. These modular expansions give your Q80 system - along with your businesses - room to grow. You can increase cartridge capacity from 80 slots to 560 slots and boost throughput by adding more tape drives (maximum 42).
Even if you use multiple stacked library modules, the Q80 uses a single robot to service all drives and media, maximizing cost efficiency. The user control panel features an intuitive GUI and setup wizards to easily configure and operate the system. An integrated browser-based Remote Management Interface (RMI) allows administrators to remotely configure, manage, diagnose and diagnose the library from anywhere in the world.
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Autoloader and Tape

The RDX QuikStor from Overland/Tandberg Data is an internal removable disk frame for removable RDX media. SFF hard drives up to 5 TB can be installed as media in the RDX cardridges. The frame is connected to the host computer via USB 3.0 and offers a transfer performance of up to 260 MB/s. Advantage of the RDX format: Robust, reliable and convenient storage for data backup, archiving or generally for the exchange of data media. The system is suitable for small to medium-sized companies and combines the advantages of tape and disk at an affordable price. Intelligent software features enable the RDX system to provide a high level of data security, for example with data carrier encryption in accordance with the AES-256 XTS standard. RDX WORM (Write One Read Many) media offer legally compliant archiving. Data can neither be deleted nor overwritten. With RDX RansomBlock, the data on the RDX WORM media is also protected against viruses and ransomware attacks.

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Your benefits

Starline quality

Highly Competent

Experienced and trained technicians do performance and functional checks and offer quick help in case of failure.

Proven compatibility

We know which components work together because we test the connectivity extensively in advance.

Highly Experienced

Starline has been active in the sector since 1982 and is a specialist in all aspects of data storage. 

Large Stock

Starline maintains a high level of spare parts and is therefore able to supply spare parts long after the warranty period has expired. 

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Our role

Rely on tested quality also for tapes

Our employees are at your side: From the beginning you will receive detailed advice from personal contact persons. They are available as well as our technical support five days a week. We even offer a 24x7x4 service.

From service contracts and customs clearance to financing models – we offer everything from one source.

Get to know us

FAQ Support
Is there a support hotline?

Starline offers excellent technical support. We have adept technicians who can be reached via mail, phone and even remote support. Our support hours: Weekdays at +49(0)7021-487 200 or email from 8:30am to 5:00pm (Friday until 4:30pm).

In addition, we offer special service contracts that guarantee that a technician will come to you within four hours at any time of the day or night.

How do I quickly get an exchange for a defective component?

The fastest option is Bring in Service (free of charge within the three-year warranty). You then bring the defective server or RAID system to us in Kirchheim and the fault is rectified here after a performance, function and health check. Incidentally, it is also possible to extend the warranty period to five years.

Where can I get the serial number of the system?

We will be happy to search for the relevant information for you. For complete systems, please send us the serial number of one of the installed drives (HDDs/SSDs) to and we will find out the number.

What is the default password for my system?

Please call +49 (0)7021-487 200 or e-mail from 8:30am to 5:00pm (Friday until 4:30 p.m.) on weekdays for the current system password.

I have an older server. Do you still have spare parts and extensions?

We are proud of our large stock and like to shine with it. So if you have an older system that you need a spare part for, we are very likely to be able to supply it. We keep hardware in stock long after the warranty period has expired. This is because we also take care to provide support for as long as possible when selecting our products.

What about spare parts after the warranty period?

We are proud of our large stock and like to shine with it. So if you have an older system that you need a spare part for, we are very likely to be able to supply it. We keep hardware in stock long after the warranty period has expired. This is because we also take care to provide support for as long as possible when selecting our products.

I have an old RAID - which disk still fits in it?

We'll find out. Call us on weekdays at +49 (0)7021-487 200 or write an e-mail to You will always receive an answer between 8:30 and 17:00 (Friday until 16:30).

Any questions? Please contact us.

Bernd Widmaier

Sales manager and expert in vertical markets and in Mac, video storage and media streaming.